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Retrieve a the last limit items a user has watched, including the method by which it was logged (e.g. scrobble or checkin).


  user = getOption("trakt_username"),
  type = c("shows", "movies"),
  limit = 10L,
  start_at = NULL,
  end_at = NULL,
  extended = c("min", "full")


user_history() wraps endpoint users/:id/history/:type/:item_id?start_at=&end_at=.



character(1): Target username (or slug). Defaults to getOption("trakt_username"). Can also be of length greater than 1, in which case the function is called on all user values separately and the result is combined.


character(1): Either "shows" or "movies". For season/episode-specific functions, values seasons or episodes are also allowed.


integer(1) [10L]: Number of items to return. Must be greater than 0 and will be coerced via as.integer().

start_at, end_at

character(1): A time-window to filter by. Must be coercible to a datetime object of class POSIXct. See ISOdate for further information.


character(1): Either "min" (API default) or "full". The latter returns more variables and should generally only be used if required. See vignette("finding-things") for more details.


A tibble(). If the function has a limit parameter (defaulting to 10), this will be the (maximum) number of rows of the tibble. If there are no results (or the API is unreachable), an empty tibble() is returned.


This function wraps the API method /users/:id/history/:type.


For type = "shows", the original output contains a nested object with show and episode data, which are unnested by this function. Due to duplicate variable names, all episode-related variables are prefixed with episode_. This results in the episode number having the name episode_episode, which is quite silly. Sorry.


if (FALSE) {
# Shows user "jemus42" watched around christmas 2016
  user = "jemus42", type = "shows", limit = 5,
  start_at = "2015-12-24", end_at = "2015-12-28"