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# learners, tasks, etc.

Defining a simple example case:

  • German credit classification task
  • Random forests with 100 trees
  • Holdout split (TBI)
  • Measure: Classification error
task = tsk("german_credit")
learner = lrn("classif.ranger", num.trees = 500)
measure = msr("classif.ce")


Simple case without resampling

Default behavior will internally construct standard holdout resampling with default ratio

Calculating PFI:

pfi = PFI$new(
  task = task, 
  learner = learner,
  measure = measure

# Stores parameter set to calculate PFI in different ways
#> <ParamSet>
#>          id    class lower upper nlevels    default      value
#>      <char>   <char> <num> <num>   <int>     <list>     <list>
#> 1: relation ParamFct    NA    NA       2 difference difference


# Default behavior should be sane
#>                     age                  amount          credit_history 
#>             0.009009009             0.015015015             0.003003003 
#>                duration     employment_duration          foreign_worker 
#>             0.021021021             0.000000000             0.006006006 
#>                 housing        installment_rate                     job 
#>             0.018018018             0.033033033            -0.009009009 
#>          number_credits           other_debtors other_installment_plans 
#>             0.003003003            -0.006006006             0.003003003 
#>           people_liable     personal_status_sex       present_residence 
#>            -0.003003003             0.012012012             0.000000000 
#>                property                 purpose                 savings 
#>             0.006006006            -0.003003003             0.009009009 
#>                  status               telephone 
#>             0.036036036             0.009009009

Q: Should $compute() be run on construction? Between the call to $new() and $compute() there’s nothing that needs to happen technically, as long as the relation param could be set directly.

Does not recompute if not needed:

pfi$compute(relation = "difference")
#>                     age                  amount          credit_history 
#>             0.009009009             0.015015015             0.003003003 
#>                duration     employment_duration          foreign_worker 
#>             0.021021021             0.000000000             0.006006006 
#>                 housing        installment_rate                     job 
#>             0.018018018             0.033033033            -0.009009009 
#>          number_credits           other_debtors other_installment_plans 
#>             0.003003003            -0.006006006             0.003003003 
#>           people_liable     personal_status_sex       present_residence 
#>            -0.003003003             0.012012012             0.000000000 
#>                property                 purpose                 savings 
#>             0.006006006            -0.003003003             0.009009009 
#>                  status               telephone 
#>             0.036036036             0.009009009

Recomputes if param changes, stores new param

pfi$compute(relation = "ratio")
#>                     age                  amount          credit_history 
#>               1.0574713               1.0344828               1.0919540 
#>                duration     employment_duration          foreign_worker 
#>               1.0689655               1.0114943               1.0000000 
#>                 housing        installment_rate                     job 
#>               1.0344828               1.0459770               0.9655172 
#>          number_credits           other_debtors other_installment_plans 
#>               0.9655172               1.0114943               1.0114943 
#>           people_liable     personal_status_sex       present_residence 
#>               1.0229885               1.0229885               1.0000000 
#>                property                 purpose                 savings 
#>               1.0344828               1.0114943               1.0344828 
#>                  status               telephone 
#>               1.1149425               1.0114943
#> <ParamSet>
#>          id    class lower upper nlevels    default  value
#>      <char>   <char> <num> <num>   <int>     <list> <list>
#> 1: relation ParamFct    NA    NA       2 difference  ratio

Q: When $compute() is called again its default value for "relation" (i.e. "difference") is used, which doesn’t seem ideal. Maybe this default should be the param stored in the object itself rather than feel like a separate function.

#>                     age                  amount          credit_history 
#>             0.015015015            -0.012012012             0.000000000 
#>                duration     employment_duration          foreign_worker 
#>             0.057057057            -0.012012012            -0.003003003 
#>                 housing        installment_rate                     job 
#>            -0.003003003             0.009009009            -0.003003003 
#>          number_credits           other_debtors other_installment_plans 
#>            -0.006006006            -0.006006006            -0.012012012 
#>           people_liable     personal_status_sex       present_residence 
#>            -0.006006006             0.006006006            -0.009009009 
#>                property                 purpose                 savings 
#>            -0.003003003            -0.024024024             0.027027027 
#>                  status               telephone 
#>             0.021021021            -0.003003003

Retrieve scores and convert to DT:

#>                     age                  amount          credit_history 
#>             0.015015015            -0.012012012             0.000000000 
#>                duration     employment_duration          foreign_worker 
#>             0.057057057            -0.012012012            -0.003003003 
#>                 housing        installment_rate                     job 
#>            -0.003003003             0.009009009            -0.003003003 
#>          number_credits           other_debtors other_installment_plans 
#>            -0.006006006            -0.006006006            -0.012012012 
#>           people_liable     personal_status_sex       present_residence 
#>            -0.006006006             0.006006006            -0.009009009 
#>                property                 purpose                 savings 
#>            -0.003003003            -0.024024024             0.027027027 
#>                  status               telephone 
#>             0.021021021            -0.003003003
#>                     feature   importance
#>                      <char>        <num>
#>  1:                     age  0.015015015
#>  2:                  amount -0.012012012
#>  3:          credit_history  0.000000000
#>  4:                duration  0.057057057
#>  5:     employment_duration -0.012012012
#>  6:          foreign_worker -0.003003003
#>  7:                 housing -0.003003003
#>  8:        installment_rate  0.009009009
#>  9:                     job -0.003003003
#> 10:          number_credits -0.006006006
#> 11:           other_debtors -0.006006006
#> 12: other_installment_plans -0.012012012
#> 13:           people_liable -0.006006006
#> 14:     personal_status_sex  0.006006006
#> 15:       present_residence -0.009009009
#> 16:                property -0.003003003
#> 17:                 purpose -0.024024024
#> 18:                 savings  0.027027027
#> 19:                  status  0.021021021
#> 20:               telephone -0.003003003
#>                     feature   importance

With resampling

learner = lrn("classif.ranger", num.trees = 100)
resampling = rsmp("cv", folds = 3)
measure = msr("classif.ce")

pfi = PFI$new(
  task = task, 
  learner = learner, 
  resampling = resampling,
  measure = measure

#> <ResamplingCV>: Cross-Validation
#> * Iterations: 3
#> * Instantiated: TRUE
#> * Parameters: folds=3

pfi$compute(relation = "difference")
#>                     age                  amount          credit_history 
#>             0.004996014             0.016007025             0.028004052 
#>                duration     employment_duration          foreign_worker 
#>             0.021995049             0.004004004             0.001001001 
#>                 housing        installment_rate                     job 
#>             0.007993023             0.013990038             0.003000006 
#>          number_credits           other_debtors other_installment_plans 
#>             0.000000000             0.003995013             0.009998022 
#>           people_liable     personal_status_sex       present_residence 
#>             0.001996008             0.003998010             0.005997015 
#>                property                 purpose                 savings 
#>             0.012989037             0.011002020             0.027989067 
#>                  status               telephone 
#>             0.042995091             0.007004010

#> <ResampleResult> with 3 resampling iterations
#>        task_id     learner_id resampling_id iteration warnings errors
#>  german_credit classif.ranger            cv         1        0      0
#>  german_credit classif.ranger            cv         2        0      0
#>  german_credit classif.ranger            cv         3        0      0

#>                     age                  amount          credit_history 
#>             0.004996014             0.016007025             0.028004052 
#>                duration     employment_duration          foreign_worker 
#>             0.021995049             0.004004004             0.001001001 
#>                 housing        installment_rate                     job 
#>             0.007993023             0.013990038             0.003000006 
#>          number_credits           other_debtors other_installment_plans 
#>             0.000000000             0.003995013             0.009998022 
#>           people_liable     personal_status_sex       present_residence 
#>             0.001996008             0.003998010             0.005997015 
#>                property                 purpose                 savings 
#>             0.012989037             0.011002020             0.027989067 
#>                  status               telephone 
#>             0.042995091             0.007004010

Different measure:

Q: Maybe it would be worth allowing to change measure post-hoc?

learner$predict_type = "prob"

pfi = PFI$new(
  task = task, 
  learner = learner, 
  resampling = resampling,
  measure = msr("classif.auc")

pfi$compute(relation = "ratio")
#>                     age                  amount          credit_history 
#>               1.0119854               1.0182071               1.0261672 
#>                duration     employment_duration          foreign_worker 
#>               1.0391916               1.0176308               1.0006448 
#>                 housing        installment_rate                     job 
#>               1.0050683               0.9996105               0.9996705 
#>          number_credits           other_debtors other_installment_plans 
#>               1.0012332               1.0040648               1.0097691 
#>           people_liable     personal_status_sex       present_residence 
#>               0.9996198               1.0010624               0.9972150 
#>                property                 purpose                 savings 
#>               1.0104244               1.0087439               1.0273154 
#>                  status               telephone 
#>               1.1509158               1.0025541
pfi$compute(relation = "difference")
#>                     age                  amount          credit_history 
#>            1.219438e-02            7.990804e-04            1.942118e-02 
#>                duration     employment_duration          foreign_worker 
#>            3.469820e-02            7.473255e-03            6.846385e-04 
#>                 housing        installment_rate                     job 
#>            2.851689e-03            3.310377e-03           -4.428262e-04 
#>          number_credits           other_debtors other_installment_plans 
#>           -1.266753e-03            6.770134e-03            8.964666e-03 
#>           people_liable     personal_status_sex       present_residence 
#>            1.633042e-03            2.295840e-03            6.110152e-05 
#>                property                 purpose                 savings 
#>            1.331438e-03            4.640028e-03            7.728800e-03 
#>                  status               telephone 
#>            1.171140e-01            2.073551e-03

Q: Results are importance scores averaged over resampling iterations to ensure the “named numeric” return format. But what about the individual scores across resampling iterations?
If we want to attempt uncertainty quantification or at least also report SDs there needs to be a data.table return type.


Same setup but now using LOCO, which differs in that it internally needs to refit the model.
Notably, the Task object does not need to be modified, as it suffices to adjust the .$col_roles$feature property.

learner = lrn("classif.ranger", num.trees = 100)

loco = LOCO$new(
  task = task, 
  learner = learner, 
  resampling = resampling,
  measure = msr("classif.ce")

#>                     age                  amount          credit_history 
#>           -4.996014e-03            5.994018e-06            3.006000e-03 
#>                duration     employment_duration          foreign_worker 
#>           -9.890130e-04            8.991027e-06           -7.984032e-03 
#>                 housing        installment_rate                     job 
#>           -1.699903e-02           -1.999005e-03            5.994018e-06 
#>          number_credits           other_debtors other_installment_plans 
#>           -1.598904e-02           -6.003009e-03           -1.701702e-02 
#>           people_liable     personal_status_sex       present_residence 
#>           -8.008008e-03           -5.005005e-03           -3.986022e-03 
#>                property                 purpose                 savings 
#>           -6.003009e-03           -7.993023e-03           -8.982036e-03 
#>                  status               telephone 
#>            2.400304e-02           -4.004004e-03

Aggregating results

scores_rel = data.table(
  feature = task$feature_names,
  PFI = pfi$compute(relation = "ratio"),
  LOCO = loco$compute(relation = "ratio")

scores_rel |>
  knitr::kable(digits = 4, caption = "Importance scores (ratio)")
Importance scores (ratio)
feature PFI LOCO
age 1.0162 0.9804
amount 1.0170 0.9946
credit_history 1.0306 0.9994
duration 1.0505 1.0380
employment_duration 1.0060 0.9962
foreign_worker 1.0004 0.9819
housing 1.0014 0.9838
installment_rate 1.0082 0.9807
job 0.9972 0.9607
number_credits 0.9964 0.9680
other_debtors 1.0033 0.9883
other_installment_plans 1.0117 0.9838
people_liable 1.0013 0.9525
personal_status_sex 0.9987 0.9834
present_residence 1.0033 0.9969
property 0.9968 0.9850
purpose 1.0064 0.9769
savings 1.0225 0.9894
status 1.1889 1.0908
telephone 1.0052 0.9696


scores_rel |>
  data.table::melt(id.vars = "feature", = "score", = "method") |>
  ggplot(aes(x = score, y = feature, color = method, fill = method)) +
  geom_col(position = "dodge", alpha = .5) +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Dark2", aesthetics = c("color", "fill")) +
    title = "Feature Importance Scores",
    subtitle = glue::glue("For task {task$id} and measure {measure$id}, using relativ scores"),
    x = "Score", y = "Feature", color = "Method", fill = "Method",
    caption = glue::glue("Using {resampling$iters}-fold {resampling$id}")
  ) +
    legend.position = "bottom",
    plot.title.position = "plot"